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Protecting People’s Rights

One Client at a Time

For 25 years, Tom Wagstaff has been providing legal services to injured victims and families to help manage conflict and assist during difficult and emotional times. Please get in touch with us if you need legal assistance navigating these issues.

Award-Winning Results

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$37 Million Heirship Dispute
$3 Million Nursing Home Elopement
$2 Million Nursing Home Elopement
$1.95 Million Motor Vehicle Collision

Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas Trial Attorneys

Providing a Personal Approach

When you need help with a legal matter, it’s important that you choose the right legal team to have by your side. At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., we are driven by a passion for helping people who are facing some of the toughest times in their lives. Led by founding attorney, Tom Wagstaff, our team offers a personalized approach. We take the time to get to know our clients and learn their stories, building trusted relationships through consistent communication, honesty, and transparency. As your legal team, we will be there for you throughout the entire process, available to answer your questions and promptly address any concerns you may have.

Tom Discussing with Client

Discuss With Us

We focus our practice on complex litigation involving nursing home abuse, personal injury, wrongful death, and business and commercial litigation. We also provide mediator services to assist those seeking alternative dispute resolution. If you would like to discuss your legal needs with our experienced Kansas City trial attorneys, please do not hesitate to reach out to our firm today to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Meet Our Team

Committed, Experienced, and Trusted Legal Assistance and Counseling

Tom Working with Coworker

Client-Focused, Results-Driven

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., our clients always come first. No matter the legal challenge you are up against, you can expect to receive the full attention and guidance of our team. We never lose sight of the fact that our clients are real people; we strive to put ourselves in your shoes, understand what you are going through, and provide the clear, straightforward answers you need to move forward.

Our attorneys understand that no two cases are exactly alike. While they draw on their extensive experience—including more than 25 years in practice—to develop sound legal strategies, they also utilize innovative methods and pursue alternative resolutions whenever necessary. In every instance, our goal is to obtain the best possible outcome in each individual case.

attorney explaining contract to lady

Dedication to Our Clients

We are committed to each individual case, and, if it cannot be resolved via a settlement, we are willing, prepared, and have the experience and resources to take your case to trial. We work hard to investigate the evidence and make every effort to uncover answers to the essential questions – What happened? Why did it happen? How did it happen? When did it happen? Where did it happen? We work closely with our clients, to fully understand their stories and their needs. Ultimately, it is our commitment, hard work, and dedication to our clients that sets us apart from many other law firms in the area.

Tom Meeting with Client

The Experience You Need by Your Side

Nursing home abuse, personal injury, wrongful death, product liability, and business litigation require the knowledge and skill of a seasoned lawyer. You want a legal team that will not only protect your rights but also fight for the fair recovery you are owed. The Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. is that team.

We dedicate a significant portion of our practice to representing victims of nursing home abuse and negligence, as well as the family members of elderly individuals who tragically passed away due to substandard care and misconduct in nursing homes, such as elopement injuries. Our attorneys are widely recognized for their experience and skill in this area. We have successfully represented numerous clients in complex litigation against all types of long term care facilities, nursing homes and individual caregivers recovering many notable settlements and verdicts on their behalf.

man writing down notes

Representing Clients Throughout Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas

In addition to our nursing home abuse and neglect practice, we handle a wide variety of personal injury and wrongful death cases stemming from motor vehicle accidents, property accidents, and other negligence-based incidents. We also have extensive experience navigating a range of business and commercial law matters. We invite you to learn how the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. can assist you with your legal matter today. Simply contact our firm and request a no-cost, no-obligation consultation with one of our Kansas City lawyers. We proudly represent clients throughout Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas, and select cases nationwide.

Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr.

6811 Shawnee Mission Parkway, Suite 314
Overland Park, KS 66202


Hours of Operation
Monday-Friday: 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM