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Kansas City Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Proudly Representing Injured Riders in Overland Park & Beyond

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. in Kansas City, we take your motorcycle accident to heart and act as if we are representing a close friend or family member. Our friendly and compassionate representation is balanced by our unyielding determination when going up against formidable defendants. Our firm’s trial attorneys are prepared to step into the courtroom if it means securing the right and fair outcome after you’ve been in a motorcycle crash that was not your fault.

The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be overwhelming, and the legal processes can be complex. Hiring a lawyer from the get-go can significantly reduce the risk of errors that may cause procedural delays and other avoidable problems. Our Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyers are committed to guiding you through this legal journey, providing trusted counsel and steadfast support every step of the way. We fight for your rights, just as we have done for countless others throughout the years. Call 816-708-0524 to request a free initial consultation with our attorneys.

Dark-haired man sitting sitting on his motorcycle

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycle accidents are often the result of another motorist’s negligence and not the fault of the motorcycle rider. At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., we understand that the key to a successful claim is thorough investigation and evidence gathering to prove just that. Our experienced attorneys know how to meticulously investigate these accidents, looking for signs of the other party’s liability. We can also work with third-party experts to secure the best evidence and expert testimonies, all aimed at building a strong case for you.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents Where the Motorcycle Rider Is Not at Fault Include:

  • Drunk Driving: Accidents caused by drunk drivers are common, posing a significant risk to motorcyclists and others who share the road with them.
  • Poor Road Conditions: Sometimes, the party at fault might not be a motorist at all. Government entities responsible for maintaining roads could be held liable for accidents caused by potholes, poorly marked construction zones, or other hazardous conditions that are disproportionately dangerous to motorcyclists.
  • Distracted Driving: When other motorists are not fully attentive to the road due to distractions like texting or eating, they may fail to notice motorcyclists, leading to accidents.
  • Failure to Check: Motorists often fail to check motorcyclists in their blind spots while changing lanes or merging.
Motorcycle accident

Injuries Caused by Motorcycle Accidents

Motorcycles provide virtually no protection to riders in the event of an accident. Consequently, injuries suffered in motorcycle accidents are often catastrophic or life-altering. Our Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyers are skilled in working with medical experts to understand the full extent of our client’s injuries and disabilities. This information is crucial in building a case for compensation that considers all harm and losses.

Four Serious Injuries Often Suffered by Motorcycle Riders in Accidents Are:

  • Brain Injuries: Even with a helmet, a motorcycle rider can suffer severe brain injuries in an accident. These can range from concussions to traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), which can lead to long-term cognitive issues.
  • Back and Spine Injuries: The impact of a collision can cause serious back and spine injuries, including herniated discs and spinal cord damage, potentially resulting in partial or total paralysis.
  • Broken Bones: The force exerted during a motorcycle accident often results in broken bones, such as fractures to the arms, legs, hips, ribs, and facial bones.
  • Road Rash: When a rider is thrown from their bike, they can suffer road rash – severe skin abrasions that can lead to painful infections, scarring, and even nerve damage.
Motorcycle accident

Damages in a Motorcycle Accident Claim

The damages owed to a motorcycle accident claimant are often substantial, reflecting the severe injuries that are frequently caused by these accidents. Financial damages aim to compensate you for your losses and help you get back to the state you were in before the accident, or something as close to that state as possible. In some contexts, damages in an injury claim are said to help “make the plaintiff whole again.”

In tragic cases where a loved one is lost in a fatal motorcycle accident, the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. can assist with wrongful death claims. We understand no amount of compensation can undo the loss of a loved one, but it can help ease the financial burdens associated with such a devastating loss. We’re here to provide compassionate, comprehensive legal support during this difficult time.

Motorcycle Accident Claimants May Be Able to Pursue These Types of Damages and More:

  • Past and Future Lost Wages: If the accident has caused you to miss work or has affected your ability to earn income in the future, you can seek compensation for these losses.
  • Pain and Suffering Damages: These damages compensate for the physical pain and emotional distress suffered as a result of the motorcycle accident. They can also include compensation for any diminished quality of life.
  • Past and Future Medical Treatment Costs: This includes compensation for all medical expenses related to the accident, both those already incurred and projected future costs. It could cover hospital bills, rehabilitation costs, medication, and any necessary medical equipment.

Get Help Filing a Claim – Call Now

Our dedicated team of Kansas City motorcycle accident lawyers is ready to stand by your side. We have the resources to help motorcycle accident claimants in Missouri, Kansas, or Arkansas. Skilled in both settlement negotiation and trial litigation, we are prepared to fight for the best possible outcome in your motorcycle accident claim. Trust us to diligently handle your case, giving it the attention it deserves, so that you can focus on what’s most important: your recovery.

Motorcycle Accident FAQ

  • Do you have to wear a motorcycle helmet when riding in traffic? – The legal requirement to wear a motorcycle helmet when riding in traffic largely depends on the specific laws of your state. Regardless of the law, it’s recommended to always wear a helmet when riding a motorcycle as it significantly reduces the risk of serious head injuries in case of an accident.
  • Is lane-splitting allowed and is it safe? – Lane-splitting, the practice of a motorcyclist moving between lanes of cars, is unlawful across the United States, with California being an exception. The safety of lane-splitting is a topic of debate. Supporters argue that it can be a safer alternative to stop-and-go traffic and reduce congestion when practiced responsibly, particularly at speeds under 30 MPH. However, it can also be seen as risky due to potential driver negligence, such as not checking for a lane-splitting motorcyclist before changing lanes.
  • Why are motorcycle accident claims more difficult than most car accident claims? – Motorcycle accident claims can often be more challenging than car accident claims for a variety of reasons. One key factor is the bias that exists against motorcyclists. Many insurance companies and even jurors in a lawsuit may hold a stereotype that motorcycle riders are reckless or risk-takers, which can unfairly influence the claim process. This bias could potentially impact the assessment of fault in an accident, making it more difficult for motorcyclists to secure fair compensation. Furthermore, injuries sustained in motorcycle accidents are often more severe than those in car accidents, which can complicate the medical aspect of the claim.

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