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See What Clients Say About the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr.

A man of Integrity – knowledgeable – caring – relentless. Our firm has worked with Tom on numerous nursing home abuse cases. Tom is a fighter who has taken on many cases other firms would not. He cares deeply for his clients and about making nursing homes safer.

Virginia C.

Tom and his firm are great people! Compassionate, dedicated and committed to do the right thing! They did a great job for my family! I appreciate the open and honest communication we had!


Tom gives lawyers a good name. His compassionate manner and professional expertise were a God send to me after the death of my husband, He is fair, honest, and makes you feel as if you are his only client.

Donna J.

Tom and his staff went above and beyond in helping us deal with an injury to our mother. Very caring group that I would highly recommend. Would not hesitate to call on him again if needed.

Greg B.

Tom Wagstaff Jr. is a very caring man. He came to meet with me when I didn't know what to do, but he did. He was there to support me, explained to me what was happening in terms that I could understand, and he won the case. Thank you, Tom! If I could, I would give you 10 stars.


I had met with two other attorneys prior to speaking with Tom Wagstaff Jr. and after our meeting, I knew he was the right person to handle our case. My wife was injured in a skilled nursing facility she also had been living with Multiple Sclerosis for 25 years. The other attorneys felt that her MS mitigated the value of her case. Tom was not deterred in the least. He set realistic expectations for the potential value and the length of the process. Because of Tom’s preparation, expert witnesses and determination he obtained an outstanding result. After going through this highly emotional process I count Tom as a friend and I am truly grateful for everything he and his team did for my family.

Terry M.

Tom and his staff were very professional and took the time to listen to our families needs. He worked hard on our behalf and we reached a positive conclusion.

Lori D.

Tom represented me and my family after my husbands death, due to negligence and a lack of regard for his safety, from the nursing home where he resided. Not knowing where to turn afterwards and still reeling from his horrific death, we consulted with our Elder Care Attorney to help guide us. He immediately recommended Tom. After the first meeting with him we knew, without a doubt, that we wanted him to represent us. He saw the injustice that had been done and was unrelenting in his effort to hold them responsible. He stayed in constant contact with us during the entire process, always respectful of our emotions and extremely loyal to us as his clients. If there is ever a time when a family needs someone as professional, loyal and unwavering as Tom, it’s at a time like this. I highly recommend Tom to family, friends and anyone in need of an attorney who will hold those responsible and accountable for a loved ones negligent care.

Suzy M.

In my experience with this law office they have proven to me on multiple occasions that they care about the clients welfare more than how the money gets divided up. Period.

Roy W.

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