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Kansas City Nursing Home Fall Attorneys

Injuries From Falls in Nursing Homes & Assisted Living Facilities

Falls are one of the most common causes of injury in seniors. Nursing homes, long-term care facilities, and other assisted living facilities have a responsibility to take certain measures to prevent falls. They should properly supervise residents, adequately maintain their premises, and install handrails, warning signs, and other safety precautions to keep residents safe.

If you or your loved one fell in a nursing home, leading to injury, you could have grounds for legal action. If the nursing home fails to provide a reasonably safe environment, it could be responsible for your resulting medical bills, pain and suffering, financial losses, and other damages.

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., we represent clients in all types of nursing home abuse and neglect cases, including those involving falls. Our nursing home fall lawyers in Kansas City provide compassionate, client-focused legal representation as they tirelessly pursue maximum compensation and the justice you deserve.

attorney explaining contract to lady

Our Case Results

  • $1.5 million: We represented the family of an 88-year-old nursing home resident who died after falling and fracturing her hip.
  • $1 million: We represented the family of an 87-year-old nursing home resident who died after falling and fracturing her knee.
  • $400,000: We represented the family of an 85-year-old nursing home resident who died after falling out of bed.
  • $350,000: We represented the family of a 99-year-old nursing home resident who died after falling and fracturing her arm.
  • $300,000: We represented the family of a group home resident who fell and suffered serious injuries as a result.

We genuinely care about you, your loved one, and your family. Let our Kansas City nursing home fall lawyers help you navigate the legal process. Call 816-708-0524 or contact us online for a free consultation. There are no legal fees for you unless/until we win your case.

Common Types of Falls in Nursing Homes

A fall in a nursing home refers to an unintentional event where a resident comes to rest on the ground or another lower level. Falls in nursing homes can lead to serious injuries, decreased mobility, and a decline in overall health and quality of life. Common types of falls in nursing homes include:

Accidental Falls

These occur due to environmental hazards such as slippery floors, poor lighting, cluttered walkways, or improper footwear.

Anticipated Physiological Falls

These are related to the resident's health condition, such as muscle weakness, balance issues, or gait disturbances. Factors include medications, chronic diseases, and cognitive impairments.

Unanticipated Physiological Falls

These happen unexpectedly due to sudden medical events like seizures, strokes, or fainting spells.

Behavioral Falls

These result from risky behaviors such as trying to walk without assistance, improper use of mobility aids, or climbing over bedrails.

How Do Nursing Home Falls Happen?

Seniors are more likely to suffer from muscle weakness, gait problems, limited mobility, memory problems, confusion, and dizziness, all of which put them at a higher risk of falls. Nursing homes should not only be aware of these risks but also take the proper measures to counter them and prevent avoidable accidents, including falls. Seniors are at a higher risk for falls and fall-related injuries than other people, and many of these falls occur in nursing homes and similar assisted living facilities throughout the United States. According to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, about half of all nursing home residents—or approximately 800,000 people—fall every year. Sadly, many of these falls are entirely preventable. Most occur due simply to the negligence of nursing homes and other facilities. Specifically, some of the most common causes of falls in nursing homes include:

  • Poor lighting
  • Uneven, slippery, and wet floors
  • Dangerous or defective stairs/steps
  • Inaccessible personal belongings
  • Defective or poorly maintained wheelchairs
  • Unstable furniture, including beds
  • Inadequate resident assistance

Common Types of Fall Injuries

Falls in nursing homes can lead to a variety of injuries, some of which can be severe and life-threatening. Common types of injuries caused by falls include:


  • Hip fractures: One of the most serious and common injuries.
  • Wrist fractures: Often occur when trying to break the fall with hands.
  • Arm and leg fractures: Result from impact with the ground or other objects.

Cuts and Abrasions

  • Lacerations: Deep cuts that may require stitches.
  • Scrapes: Surface injuries that can become infected if not properly treated.

Spinal Injuries

  • Vertebral fractures: Can lead to severe pain and mobility issues.
  • Spinal cord injuries: May result in partial or complete paralysis.

Internal Injuries

  • Internal bleeding: Can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention.
  • Organ damage: From severe impacts, particularly in the abdomen or chest area.

Head Injuries

  • Concussions: Mild traumatic brain injuries that can have long-term effects.
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI): Can be severe and result in significant cognitive and physical impairments.
  • Scalp lacerations: Cuts or tears in the scalp due to impact.

Psychological Injuries

  • Fear of falling: Can lead to decreased mobility and social isolation.
  • Depression and anxiety: Resulting from reduced independence and physical capability.

Joint Dislocations

  • Shoulder and hip dislocations: Often occur during falls, especially if the resident lands awkwardly.

Soft Tissue Injuries

  • Bruises and contusions: Discoloration and swelling from impact.
  • Sprains and strains: Damage to muscles, ligaments, or tendons.

Fall Prevention in Nursing Homes

As individuals age, the risk of falling and sustaining serious injuries increases, making fall prevention a crucial aspect of nursing home care.

To mitigate this risk, nursing homes can adopt a variety of strategies, such as conducting falls risk assessments for incoming patients, establishing comprehensive safety plans, ensuring adequate staffing levels, and implementing assistive technologies like bed rails and mobility aids.

Staff training is also key to preventing falls, as it allows caregivers to assess and mitigate fall risk factors such as medication side effects and environmental hazards.

Nurse or home caregiver and senior woman holding hands at home

Common Fall-Related Injuries

Falls can lead to serious injuries, especially when the victim is elderly. Seniors are at a higher risk of suffering severe fall-related injuries, including fatal injuries and complications.

Some of the most common fall-related injuries in the elderly include:

Other Injuries

Additionally, elderly individuals who fall may suffer serious complications. Being hospitalized for a serious fall-related injury can increase the risk of infection, and individuals who take certain medications, such as blood thinners, could be at an increased risk of uncontrollable bleeding. This could lead to catastrophic personal injury or even wrongful death.

A serious fall could also significantly limit an elderly individual’s ability to get around and care for themselves, leading to decreased enjoyment of life. It could also cause a new fear of falling again, causing the individual to become less active than they once were. This may lead to social isolation and other changes that significantly impact the individual’s quality of life.

Can You Sue a Nursing Home for a Fall?

If your loved one died or suffered a serious injury as a result of falling in a nursing home, you may be wondering, “Are nursing homes liable for falls?”

In many cases, the nursing home (or similar facility) is legally responsible for falls that occur on its premises. If you can prove that the nursing home or its staff failed to properly care for your loved one or failed to take the necessary measures to prevent falls from occurring, you could have a case against the facility.

In certain instances, you could have a claim against an individual caregiver or even a third-party manufacturer or distributor of defective equipment or devices. It is important that you work with a Kansas City nursing home fall attorney—like those at the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr.—who can identify the liable party/parties and seek full compensation for your damages.

When to Hire a Nursing Home Fall Attorney

If you suspect that your loved one fell due to poor nursing home supervision or care, you may want to consider hiring an attorney. You could be entitled to financial compensation for your medical bills, financial losses, pain, suffering, and other damages. An attorney can review the details of your situation and determine whether you have a case. An attorney can also identify the liable party (or parties) and help you navigate the legal system. The sooner you act, the better. All states have statutes of limitations on nursing home abuse lawsuits; if you wait too long, you could lose your right to seek compensation for your damages.

In Kansas, you have just two years to file your suit. In Missouri, you have five. However, these deadlines change depending on certain factors, including cases involving wrongful death. We encourage you to reach out to our firm today to speak to an experienced Kansas City nursing home fall lawyer about your legal rights and options.

How The Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. Team Can Help

We provide highly personalized legal representation and compassionate guidance throughout the entire legal process. As your legal team, we will be there to answer your questions and address any concerns you may have. Our firm has access to extensive resources, including expert witnesses who provide powerful testimony on behalf of our clients. We utilize these resources, along with our in-depth legal knowledge and 25+ years of experience, to build solid cases for our clients.

To learn more, call us today at 816-708-0524 or submit an online contact form. We offer complimentary consultations to all new and prospective clients.

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