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Nursing Home Restraint Injury Attorneys in Kansas City

Was Your Elderly Loved One Injured by the Negligent Use of Restraints in a Nursing Home?

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., we understand the profound responsibility that nursing homes bear in providing a secure and nurturing environment for our seniors. However, when restraints are misused, it not only compromises their physical and emotional well-being, but also raises serious ethical and legal concerns.

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., our dedicated team of nursing home abuse lawyers is committed to standing up against the misuse of physical and chemical restraints and fighting for the rights of those who cannot speak up for themselves. We help victims of abuse across Kansas and Missouri.

Learn more about your rights by calling 816-708-0524 or contacting us online to arrange a free consultation with our nursing home restraint injury lawyers in Kansas City.

Female caregiver helping senior man get up from couch

Misuse of Physical & Chemical Restraints

Misuse of restraints in nursing homes is a grave violation that goes beyond compromising physical health. It infringes upon the fundamental rights of residents, causing emotional distress, loss of autonomy, and a deterioration of their overall quality of life. This unacceptable practice not only undermines the trust placed in nursing homes but also warrants swift legal action to hold those responsible accountable.

happy smiling senior woman

Chemical and Physical Restraints

  • Chemical Restraints: Inappropriately administering sedative medications to control or manage residents’ behavior, rather than addressing underlying issues, constitutes the misuse of chemical restraints. This can lead to adverse health effects, increased vulnerability to infections, and an overall decline in cognitive function.
  • Physical Restraints: Improper use of physical restraints, such as belts, straps, or bedrails, can result in physical injuries, emotional trauma, and a loss of dignity. Residents subjected to unnecessary physical constraints often experience a decline in mobility and an increased risk of falls.

Examples of physical restraints used in nursing homes include vests, bed rails or safety bars, lap cushions, trays, or belts, hand mitts or soft ties, arm and leg restraints, tightly tucked sheets or bedding, positioning a wheelchair next to a wall.

Can You Sue a Nursing Home for Using Restraints?

Yes, it is possible to sue a nursing home for restraint-related injuries, especially if the use of restraints is deemed to be improper, excessive, or in violation of the resident’s rights. If you are interested in filing a lawsuit against a negligent nursing home facility, we encourage you to contact our restraint injury attorneys in Kansas City. We can help you evaluate the specific circumstances of your loved one’s injury, gather evidence, and navigate the legal process. Grounds for a nursing home abuse lawsuit may include:

  • Violation of Resident’s Rights: Nursing home residents have rights that must be protected, and the inappropriate use of restraints may constitute a violation of these rights. Residents have the right to be treated with dignity, to be free from unnecessary restraints, and to participate in their care decisions.
  • Negligence or Medical Malpractice: If the use of restraints leads to injuries or harm, you may have grounds for a lawsuit based on negligence or medical malpractice. This could involve improper application of restraints, failure to monitor the resident appropriately, or inadequate staff training.
  • Failure to Follow Regulations: Nursing homes are subject to regulations and guidelines regarding the use of restraints. If a nursing home fails to comply with these regulations, it may be held liable for any resulting harm.
  • Violation of State and Federal Laws: State and federal laws govern nursing home facilities, and violations of these laws could provide a legal basis for a lawsuit. This may include violations of the Nursing Home Reform Act or state-specific regulations.

Common Restraint-Related Injuries

The use of chemical and physical restraints in nursing homes can lead to various injuries, both physical and psychological, for the residents. It’s important to note that restraints should only be used when necessary and under strict guidelines to ensure the safety and well-being of the residents. It’s crucial for nursing homes to adhere to regulations and guidelines, conduct thorough assessments, and seek alternatives to restraint use whenever possible. Improper use or overuse of restraints in nursing homes can result in:


Prolonged use of physical restraints, such as straps or restraints that limit movement, can lead to pressure sores. These painful sores develop when there is prolonged pressure on the skin, often in areas where bones are close to the skin's surface.

Muscle Atrophy

Immobilization due to physical restraints can result in muscle atrophy, where muscles weaken and waste away due to lack of use.

Fractures and Sprains

Attempts to resist or escape restraints may result in fractures, sprains, or other injuries, especially if the restraints are applied too tightly or improperly.


In cases where physical restraints are improperly applied, there is a risk of asphyxiation, which can lead to serious respiratory issues or even death.

Anxiety and Depression

Being restrained can cause significant emotional distress, leading to anxiety, depression, and a sense of helplessness among residents.

Increased Risk of Falling

Sedation caused by chemical restraints may increase the risk of falls and related injuries.

Optimistic female nurse in blue uniform supporting Asian elderly woman

Taking Legal Action

Our team at the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. is well-versed in the legal complexities surrounding nursing home abuse, specifically the misuse of chemical and physical restraints. We employ a comprehensive approach to seek justice for affected residents and their families.

  • Thorough Investigation: We conduct a meticulous investigation into each case, gathering evidence of the misuse of restraints, inadequate staff training, and any resulting injuries or harm.
  • Medical Expertise: Our legal team collaborates with medical experts to establish the connection between the improper use of restraints and the resident’s physical and psychological well-being.
  • Client-Centered Advocacy: We prioritize the needs and rights of our clients, offering compassionate and personalized legal representation to ensure their voices are heard.
  • Seeking Compensation: We tirelessly pursue compensation for the damages incurred, addressing medical expenses, pain and suffering, and any long-term consequences resulting from the negligent use of restraints.

Let Us Help

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., we stand as unwavering advocates for the rights and well-being of our elderly population. If your loved one has fallen victim to the misuse of restraints in a nursing home, let us be the voice that seeks justice and holds those responsible accountable.

Together, we can work towards a future where nursing homes prioritize the dignity, respect, and care that every resident deserves. Call 816-708-0524 to learn how we can help.

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