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Tom Wagstaff Jr.

We are excited to announce that our founding attorney, Tom Wagstaff Jr., has recently published an insightful article on nursing home negligence and the critical role of arbitration agreements in nursing home admission documents. The article, titled “Protecting the Right to a Trial by Jury in Nursing Home Cases: An Update on Guidance from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid,” is an essential read for anyone with loved ones in long-term care facilities.

In the article, Tom shares a heartbreaking case study that underscores the importance of understanding the implications of arbitration agreements. He also discusses the recent guidelines released by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) that scrutinize the use of these agreements in nursing homes.

Tom Wagstaff Jr. has dedicated his career to advocating for the rights of the elderly and vulnerable, specializing in cases of nursing home and elder abuse liability, personal injury, and wrongful death. His passion for justice and commitment to his clients have earned him recognition as one of Kansas City’s outstanding trial lawyers.

This article is a testament to Tom’s commitment to raising awareness about the potential pitfalls of arbitration agreements in nursing homes. He believes that these agreements, often buried in admission documents, can be disadvantageous to residents and their families. His article provides valuable insights into how these agreements work, why they should be scrutinized, and the importance of preserving the resident’s right to a trial by jury.

We encourage everyone to read this article, especially those with loved ones in nursing homes. It’s an important reminder of the need for vigilance when dealing with nursing home admission documents and the potential legal implications that can arise.

Read The Full Article Here

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., we are committed to providing our clients with the highest level of legal representation. We understand that our clients are real people facing real challenges, and we strive to provide clear, straightforward answers to help them navigate their legal journey.

If you or a loved one has been affected by nursing home negligence or if you have questions about arbitration agreements, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation. We are ready to listen, provide guidance, and fight for your rights.

Remember, at the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., our clients always come first. We are client-focused and results-driven. Let us put our experience and dedication to work for you.