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Old men

In the realm of elder care, long-term facilities play a critical role. They provide a safe haven for our loved ones when they can no longer independently care for themselves. However, in Missouri, there is a glaring issue that can potentially undermine the safety and security of these facilities – the lack of a requirement for liability insurance coverage.

Defining Liability Insurance

Liability insurance serves as a safeguard, providing financial protection for long-term care facilities in the event of lawsuits or claims made by residents or their families. This insurance covers various incidents, from medical malpractice to general negligence. Without this coverage, facilities may find themselves financially incapacitated in the face of legal claims, leading to compromised care for residents.

Concerns About Liability Insurance

Missouri’s lack of a mandate for these facilities to carry liability insurance is a concern for several reasons. First, it exposes residents and their families to potential financial losses. If a resident suffers harm due to negligence or malpractice, they may seek compensation through a lawsuit. However, the chances of the resident receiving adequate compensation are slim if the facility does not have liability insurance.

Moreover, without the requirement for liability insurance, facilities may be less incentivized to maintain high standards of care. Insurance companies often require certain safety measures and protocols to be in place before they offer coverage. These measures encourage facilities to prioritize patient safety and quality care. In the absence of such requirements, the level of care may deteriorate.

Additionally, facilities without liability insurance may struggle to handle the financial burden of a lawsuit. This could lead to closures, leaving residents needing a home and employees needing jobs.

Despite these concerns, some argue that requiring liability insurance could increase the cost of care. While it is true that insurance premiums may be passed on to residents, it’s important to weigh this against the potential cost of inadequate care. It’s also worth noting that many other states already require liability insurance for long-term care facilities, suggesting that it is a feasible and necessary measure.

Providing a Personal Approach to Your Claim

Missouri does not currently require long-term care facilities to cover liability insurance, leading to potential risks for residents, employees, and the facilities themselves. If your loved one was mistreated at a nursing home facility and you wish to pursue legal action, contact the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC. With our expert legal team, we are prepared to stand up for the rights of your loved ones and seek justice for the harm they have endured. Contact the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC online or by phone so we can discuss your case. 816-708-0524