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Baby Food Contamination Attorneys in Kansas City

Did Your Child Eat Contaminated Baby Food?

In recent years, parents across the country have been shocked by the unthinkable: toxic heavy metals in the baby food they had been feeding their children. Several prominent baby food brands have been implicated and accused of poor product manufacturing standards that have allowed dangerous heavy metals to contaminate baby food products. In some cases, heavy metal levels in baby food products have exceeded the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) “safe exposure level” by more than 70 times over. To make matters worse, it is believed that exposure to unsafe levels of heavy metals like lead and arsenic can cause severe and permanent neurological conditions in developing children, including autism.

Bottles with breast milk on the background of mother holding in her hands and breastfeeding baby

Potentially Contaminated Baby Food Brands

If your child has been diagnosed with autism or a developmental disorder, it could be related to the type of baby food you fed your child, especially while they were in infancy. See if there is a connection and if you can take legal action by connecting with Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC and our baby food contamination lawyers in Kansas City. We represent parents in Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas with complex child injury cases, such as those filed against baby food manufacturers and those that go to court for trial.

We are currently hearing from parents who have bought these potentially contaminated baby food brands and several others Gerber, Beech-Nut Nutrition, Hain Celestial Group, Whole Foods Market Inc., Earth’s Best Organic, and Nurture, Inc. Think you might have a case? Please call 816-708-0524 to schedule a free initial case review.

Unsafe Levels of Metal in Baby Food

The problem of toxic metals in baby food is so significant that it gained congressional attention. In 2021, the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Economic and Consumer Policy reported that several brands had manufactured and sold baby food products that were contaminated with unsafe levels of different heavy toxic metals.

Toxic heavy metals have been found in different baby food brands, including the following Arsenic, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and more.

To make the entire situation even more frustrating, the report stated that the manufacturers knew or reasonably should have known that their baby food products had become contaminated to the point of being unsafe for human consumption.

The report explained that the companies set their own standards for “safe” levels of toxic metals lower than what medical and health standards would accept. Furthermore, once the already-low levels were self-set by the baby food manufacturers, the report claimed that many still allowed their products to exceed those levels.

Based on the information in the congressional report and gathered through later investigations, it appears that the baby food companies should be held liable for any harm done through strict product liability laws and regulations. Lawsuits have claimed that the companies failed to warn consumers and failed to design a safe product, among other forms of negligence that can lead to liability.

Mother feeding her adorable baby girl

Toxic Metal Linked to Autism & Brain Injuries

Although the exact connection is not entirely understood, mounting medical evidence shows a clear link between exposure to toxic metals while in infancy to higher rates of autism and developmental disorders. Heavy metals like lead and arsenic are known to cause permanent damage to the brain’s structures and neurons, which can manifest as various symptoms later in life. For these reasons, safety organizations and parents alike are worried about the now-significant risk that countless children across the country may have a higher risk of autism due to the baby food they ate when younger.

In addition to autism and brain damage, heavy metal exposure may also cause kidney disease, liver damage, higher cancer risk, and bone disease.

Tom Meeting with Client

Talk to Our Baby Food Contamination Lawyers Now

Do you have a legally valid baby food contamination lawsuit to file? The answer will depend on the specifics of your situation, but it is always worth exploring your options. You may be able to file a claim against a baby food manufacturer if:

  • Your child is six years of age or younger.
  • Your child was not born prematurely.
  • Your child has been diagnosed with autism or a similar developmental disorder.
  • Your child has not been previously diagnosed with Down Syndrome.
  • You and the other parent of your child have not been diagnosed with autism.
  • You purchased a contaminated baby food brand for your child.

Contact the Experts at Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr.

Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC in Kansas City would be honored to help you figure out your legal options. If we determine that you do have the grounds to file a claim or lawsuit, we can then explain the next steps that you can take. As trial attorneys, we can represent you throughout the entirety of your case, including litigation if that becomes necessary. We want to do whatever it takes to secure justice for your child and family.

To request a no-cost case evaluation, call 816-708-0524 now.

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