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Taylor Myers Headshot

Taylor Myers


Taylor brings knowledge, commitment, and devotion to our clients and to her law practice. She appreciates the hardships that our clients have in front of them, and she has a passion for advocating on their behalf to obtain the answers that they want and need.

Taylor makes sure that she is available to our clients. She listens to them. And she willingly takes on the very important task of understanding their goals. Taylor is committed to holding wrongdoers accountable and she does everything she can to obtain the best possible results for our clients.

Taylor was born and raised in the Kansas City area. She attended Oklahoma State University, majoring in Entrepreneurship and graduating in 2014.

Taylor attended law school and business school at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, earning a law degree and a Masters of Business Administration in 2017. She then worked for an employment discrimination law firm, representing persons that had been discriminated against in the workplace.

She then worked for an insurance defense law firm. In both positions, she served on trial teams that successfully assisted her clients in recovering monies and obtaining favorable results.

Taylor joined the Law office of Tom Wagstaff, Jr. in 2020. Since that time, she has worked tirelessly to aid our clients in all parts of their cases and their lives. Her previous experience working for a defense firm allows her to clearly see both sides of the case and to better understand what to anticipate.

In the community, Taylor is currently serving as the board president for the KCMO Angels, a terrific organization that works diligently to ensure that every child, youth, and family in the Kansas City foster care community has healthy, affirming, and lasting relationships.

When not serving her clients and her community, Taylor enjoys spending time and traveling with her husband, Zane, and daughter, Elsie.

Areas of Practice

  • Nursing Home and Elder Abuse Liability
  • Personal Injury and Wrongful Death Liability
  • Class-Action Lawsuits

Bar Admissions

  • Missouri
  • Kansas


  • University of Missouri – Kansas City, 2017
  • Oklahoma State University, 2014

Community Involvement

  • KCMO Angels, Board President (Current)

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