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Kansas City law enforcement has announced the arrest of pediatric neurologist Brian M. Aalbers, who mostly practiced out of Overland Park, Kansas. He has been accused of child sexual abuse crimes involving hidden video cameras throughout his medical office at Overland Park Regional Medical Center. At least 10 minors were allegedly filmed with these hidden devices, including at least one child who was undressed. According to HCA Midwest Health, he is no longer associated with the medical center or any other facilities within the region.

Investigation & Arrest of Brian Aalbers

In October 2023, the Kansas City Police Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) received a tip that Aalbers had put hidden cameras throughout his medical office to film children. Investigators have not revealed the location of the cameras or who was filmed by them due to the sensitivity of the pending case. More than 20,000 video recordings were illegally captured between December 2020 and Aalbers’ arrest in late October 2023. 1,000 of those recordings were marked by a forensic computer analyst, which indicates at least 1,000 pieces of video evidence could be used against him in the coming criminal trial.

In addition to the evidence gathered when the cameras were located, police investigators were able to secure text messages that Aalbers sent, in which he worried about going to jail and losing his license. He also asked the recipient of the text message to destroy the cameras because they contained footage of “bad stuff.”

Currently, authorities are working to identify more minors who were allegedly filmed by Aalbers without their consent. As more investigative work is done, additional charges could be brought against him. Prosecutors have asked the court to block Aalbers’ bail because he could pose a flight risk and a danger to children.

For more information about this developing story of Brian Aalbers’ arrest for child sexual abuse crimes, you can click here to view a full article from The Kansas City Star (log-in or subscription may be required). If you have questions about filing a claim or lawsuit after you or your child were harmed by sexual abuse conducted by a medical professional or a person in a position of authority, contact the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. in Kansas City. Our firm focuses on claims involving abusive medical professionals and caretakers, including those in nursing homes and care centers. Call 816-708-0524 for more information.