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The recent settlement secured by the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. for the family of Barbara Doyle, a 74-year-old Arkansas woman with Alzheimer’s, highlights a critical issue in nursing home care: elopement risk. Barbara tragically passed away after wandering from Brookfield Assisted Living and Memory Care in Bella Vista, Arkansas, just hours after her admission. This incident underscores the necessity for nursing homes to adhere to strict safety protocols and for families to be vigilant about the care their loved ones receive.

Barbara’s case was particularly heart-wrenching. Her family had entrusted the facility with her care for a short period, explicitly communicating her Alzheimer’s-related wandering risks. Sadly, despite an alarm sounding when Barbara exited through a back door, the response from the facility’s staff was grossly inadequate, leading to her untimely death from environmental heat stress.

The $2-million settlement serves not only as a measure of justice for Barbara’s family but also as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of negligence in care facilities. It emphasizes the need for constant supervision, proper staff training, and the implementation of effective safety measures to prevent similar tragedies.

For families with loved ones in nursing homes, this case highlights the importance of thoroughly vetting facilities, understanding their procedures for managing residents with special needs, and staying engaged with the care provided. It is a call to action for nursing homes to prioritize resident safety and for families to hold them accountable.

This incident is a somber lesson in the critical importance of diligence and advocacy in ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable individuals in care facilities.
