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Old men is sleeping

As we age, there can be a natural desire to explore. For some elderly adults living in nursing homes, this can lead to eloping. Whether the resident knows they’re committing this action or not, this can carry many risks for their physical and mental health.

Defining Nursing Home Elopement

Nursing home elopement, also known as wandering, is a significant problem affecting many older adults in long-term care facilities. Simply put, elopement is when a resident leaves the nursing home without permission or being accompanied by staff.

Mental Health Risks of Nursing Home Elopement

Nursing home elopement can have numerous implications on the mental health of elderly residents. It can increase feelings of loneliness, leading to depression or even suicidal thoughts. This is especially troubling for those with mental illness or dementia.

It is paramount to address this issue with compassion and understanding. It is also essential to recognize that it is not a resident’s fault but a symptom of their condition. Proper monitoring, safety measures, and increasing social interactions can go a long way in preventing the adverse effects of elopement on mental health.

Physical Health Risks of Nursing Home Elopement

Once a family puts their trust in a nursing home, they expect their loved one to be safe and well-cared for; however, that doesn’t always happen. If a loved one in a nursing home elopes, there can be significant physical health risks, such as falls and dehydration. Elders who wander away from the safety of the nursing home are susceptible to tripping hazards that can cause serious injuries. Moreover, dehydration is a frequent health issue that arises when people wander for extended periods without access to water.

You May Also Like: What Can Nursing Homes Do to Prevent Elopement?

When to Contact a Nursing Home Attorney

If you are concerned about the security and care of a relative in a nursing home, it is imperative to take action. A nursing home attorney can provide valuable support and advice, helping you navigate complicated legal matters and advocate for your loved one’s rights. A nursing home attorney can provide compassionate understanding and assess your situation, helping you decide if legal action is necessary.

The Kansas City nursing home elopement attorney at the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC knows that elopement seriously threatens older adults’ mental and physical health. If you suspect your loved one suffered harm due to negligence or abuse while living in a nursing home environment, contact the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC. With care and proper attention given to this matter, we can work together toward eliminating this heartbreaking problem among older adult populations.

Contact the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC online or by phone for a free consultation. 816-708-0524