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Lawrence Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

Helping Elder Abuse Victims in Douglas County, Kansas & Beyond

Nursing home abuse and neglect are serious problems in Lawrence, KS and throughout the United States. If you suspect that your loved one is being mistreated or neglected in a nursing home, it is important to take immediate action to protect them. At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff, we are committed to helping victims of nursing home abuse and their families. Our Lawrence nursing home abuse lawyers have extensive experience handling these cases, and we know what it takes to win. We are prepared to fight for your loved one’s rights and to hold the responsible parties accountable.

Call us at 816-708-0524 or contact us online to discuss your options in a free consultation.

happy smiling senior woman

Understanding Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse is a form of elder abuse that occurs in long-term care facilities. It can take many different forms, and it can be perpetrated by staff members, other residents, or even visitors. In some cases, nursing home abuse is intentional, while in others, it is the result of negligence.

It is important to note that nursing home abuse can occur in any facility, regardless of its reputation. Even the most highly rated nursing homes can have problems with abuse and neglect. For this reason, it is important to be vigilant and to take immediate action if you suspect that your loved one is being mistreated.

Most Common Types of Nursing Home Abuse

Physical Abuse

This occurs when a staff member or another resident intentionally causes physical harm to a nursing home resident. It can involve hitting, slapping, pushing, or any other form of physical violence.

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse occurs when a staff member or another resident causes emotional distress to a nursing home resident. This can involve yelling, screaming, belittling, or otherwise verbally attacking the resident. It can also involve isolating the resident from others or intentionally ignoring their needs.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse occurs when a staff member or another resident engages in any form of non-consensual sexual activity with a nursing home resident. This can involve rape, sexual assault, or any other form of sexual contact.


Neglect occurs when a nursing home fails to provide the care and attention that a resident needs. This can involve failing to provide food, water, or medication, as well as failing to provide assistance with personal hygiene or mobility. Neglect can be intentional or unintentional.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse occurs when a staff member or another resident steals money or property from a nursing home resident. It can also involve fraud, such as forging a resident’s signature on a check or credit card application.

Signs of Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse can be difficult to detect, especially if your loved one is unable or unwilling to communicate with you. However, there are often signs that abuse is occurring. If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take them seriously and investigate further. The most common signs of nursing home abuse include:

  • Unexplained injuries, such as bruises, cuts, or broken bones
  • Changes in behavior, such as becoming withdrawn or anxious
  • Changes in personality, such as becoming angry or aggressive
  • Changes in mood, such as becoming depressed or irritable
  • Changes in sleep patterns, such as sleeping more or less than usual
  • Changes in appetite, such as eating more or less than usual
  • Unexplained weight loss or weight gain
  • Unexplained illnesses or infections
  • Bedsores or pressure ulcers
  • Poor personal hygiene
  • Dirty or unsanitary living conditions
  • Missing money or personal property
  • Unusual financial transactions

If you notice any of these signs, it is important to take immediate action to protect your loved one. You should report your concerns to the nursing home’s management and the appropriate authorities. You should also consider moving your loved one to a different facility if you believe that they are in immediate danger.

A lonely man is sitting on the bed

Who Is Liable for Nursing Home Abuse?

If your loved one is being abused in a nursing home, you may be able to file a lawsuit against the responsible parties. In most cases, the nursing home itself can be held liable for the actions of its employees. This is known as vicarious liability.

An employer can be held liable for the actions of its employees if the employee was acting within the scope of their employment at the time of the incident, the employee’s actions caused harm to a third party. For example, if a nursing home employee physically abuses a resident, the nursing home can be held liable for the resident’s injuries. This is true even if the nursing home did not know that the employee was abusive and did not authorize or condone their actions.

In addition to the nursing home, you may also be able to file a lawsuit against the individual who abused your loved one. This is known as direct liability. To hold an individual directly liable for nursing home abuse, you must be able to prove that they intentionally or negligently caused harm to your loved one.

Tom Meeting with Client

We Can Help You Identify All Liable Parties

For example, you may be able to hold an individual directly liable for nursing home abuse if you can prove that the individual had a duty of care to your loved one, the individual breached this duty of care by engaging in abusive or negligent behavior, the individual’s actions caused harm to your loved one, or your loved one suffered damages as a result of the individual’s actions. When you work with our Lawrence, KS nursing home abuse attorneys at the Law Office of Wagstaff Jr., we can help you identify all liable parties and pursue the maximum amount of compensation available in your case.

How Our Lawrence, KS Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers Can Help

If your loved one has been abused in a nursing home, you may be entitled to recover compensation for their injuries. This can include compensation for their medical expenses, pain and suffering, and more. However, recovering this compensation can be difficult, especially if you are trying to navigate the legal system on your own. At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff, we are here to help. Our Lawrence nursing home abuse attorneys have extensive experience handling these cases, and we know what it takes to win. We will conduct a thorough investigation into your loved one’s injuries and gather all available evidence to support your claim. We will also handle all negotiations with the nursing home’s insurance company and represent your loved one’s interests in court, if necessary.

Our team is prepared to help you fight for justice. Call us today at 816-708-0524 to schedule a free consultation with our Lawrence nursing home abuse lawyers.

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