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Missouri Car Accident Attorneys

In a Wreck? Call 816-708-0524 Now

After a serious car accident, you should do two things as soon as you can: get medical help and get legal help. At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., our Missouri car accident lawyers proudly offer legal counsel to wrongfully injured motorists from St. Louis, Springfield, Columbia, St. Joseph, Joplin, Jefferson City, and across the state. If another driver hit you, let us know about it. We can help from the very start, including dealing with insurance companies that might not have your best interests in mind.

Why should you choose the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. for your Missouri car accident claim? We have trial attorneys on staff who can take your case to courtroom litigation when needed. We have more than 25 years of legal experience with a focus on serious injury claims. We have secured millions of dollars through successful case results for our clients.

Talk to an attorney about your car accident. Start by scheduling a FREE case review with our team.

A woman is holding a cell phone while standing next to a silver car

Car Accident Causes in Missouri

According to the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT), thousands of car accidents occur in the state each year, and about 1,000 people lose their lives each year to fatal car accidents. Each accident is caused by a unique set of circumstances and mistakes leading up to the event. However, there are common issues and acts of negligence that contribute to a majority of car accidents.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in Missouri

Driver Distraction

Driver distractions can take many forms, including auditory, visual, manual, and cognitive distractions. Texting while driving is one of the most common and dangerous forms of driver distraction on Missouri’s roads.

Drunk Driving

Alcohol impairs the ability to operate vehicles safely, leading to risky behaviors and slow response times. Drunk driving is a major cause of road accidents not only in Missouri but across the U.S.


Driving above the speed limit is a common cause of accidents as it reduces the driver’s ability to steer safely around curves or objects in the roadway, extends the distance necessary to stop a vehicle, and increases the distance a vehicle travels while the driver reacts to a dangerous situation.

Unsafe Lane Changes

When drivers do not check their blind spots or use their turn signals, they can collide with other drivers who weren’t aware of their presence or intention.

Vehicle Defects

Sometimes, accidents occur not because of the driver’s actions, but due to a mechanical failure in the vehicle, such as a brake system failure or tire blowout. When a vehicle defect causes a crash, the automaker could be liable.

Road Defects

Poorly maintained roads, lack of proper signage, or poorly designed infrastructure can contribute to car accidents and might make the municipality in charge of the roads liable for any damage and injuries.

How to Prove the Other Driver’s Fault

Our Missouri car accident lawyers can guide you through all steps of a car accident claim, from the initial stages of investigating liability to gathering and presenting evidence to courtroom litigation. Our team of experienced attorneys understands the complexities of car wreck cases, up and down, back to front. Trust us to investigate your crash and find the best ways to prove the other driver’s fault. To prove fault in a car accident claim, several types of evidence can be helpful:


Footage from dashcams can provide clear, objective evidence of what happened in the moments leading up to an accident, such as traffic law violations that contributed to the collision.

Eyewitness Testimonies

People who witnessed the accident can provide valuable information about the incident. Third-party accounts can help establish the sequence of events and identify who was at fault.

Police Reports

After an accident, the responding officers usually prepare a report detailing their observations and findings. This report can include vital details like the apparent cause of the accident, any citations issued, and statements from the involved parties and witnesses.

Photos and Videos

Photos and videos taken at the scene can document the damage to vehicles, the position of vehicles after the crash, road conditions, and any traffic signs or signals. This visual evidence can be very helpful in reconstructing the accident and establishing fault.

Close up of hands photographing damaged car

Missouri Pure Comparative Fault Rule for Car Accidents

Importantly, Missouri uses a pure comparative fault rule when assessing liability in car accident claims. Under this rule, an injured party or plaintiff can file a claim against any other party that is at least 1% responsible for the plaintiff’s injuries and losses. You could be found 99% liable for the car accident and the resulting injuries and still maintain the right to file a claim against the other driver. Realistically, a claim filed in that situation would struggle to be successful, but the point is that Missouri’s fault laws encourage you to explore your legal options with an attorney, regardless of how liable you think you might be after a wreck.

Injuries Caused by Serious Car Accidents

Car accidents remain one of the leading causes of serious accidental injuries in the United States, as reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The impact of a collision can cause a wide range of injuries, from minor or moderate injuries to life-changing disabilities. Many of the worst injuries caused by car accidents not only lead to physical pain and suffering but also emotional distress and financial hardship due to medical bills and lost income. Serious injuries often caused by car accidents can include:

  • Back and Spine Injuries: Herniated discs, fractures, and spinal cord injuries resulting in paralysis can all occur due to car accidents, including low-speed collisions.
  • Permanent Disfigurement: Serious car accidents can lead to permanent disfigurement, such as loss of limbs, third-degree burns, or visible scarring.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Car accidents can lead to psychological injuries as well as physical ones. PTSD is a condition that can occur after any traumatic event, including car crashes. Symptoms may include flashbacks, anxiety, and reliving the event.
  • Brain and Head Injuries: A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can range from concussions to severe internal injuries. Symptoms may not appear immediately after the accident, making TBIs particularly dangerous.
  • Whiplash: Whiplash is a specific type of neck injury that often results from rear-end collisions. It occurs when the head is suddenly jerked back and forth, causing damage to the muscles and ligaments in the neck.

Compensation in a Missouri Car Accident Claim

To get the most information about your case and prepare your claim for any opposition, our Missouri car accident lawyers can work with third-party experts to accurately calculate damages owed to you. Doctors and financial analysts bring invaluable insights into the long-term impacts of injuries, helping us establish a better understanding of how you will be affected in the future by your injuries and losses. In a Missouri car accident claim, you may be able to pursue compensation for:

Past and Future Medical Expenses

This type of economic damage includes the cost of emergency care immediately following the accident, ongoing treatment, rehabilitation, surgeries, medication, and any anticipated future medical expenses related to the accident.

Lost Wages and Reduced Future Income

If your injuries prevent you from working, either temporarily or permanently, you may be able to pursue compensation for lost wages. If your capacity to work and earn a gainful income is affected in the long term, you can also seek compensation for reduced future income.

Pain and Suffering

Non-economic damage compensates for the physical pain and emotional distress suffered as a result of the car accident, as well as other intangible losses like lowered enjoyment of life, loss of independence, and more.

Property Damage

If your vehicle was damaged in the accident, you could be compensated for repair costs or the fair market value of the vehicle if it’s deemed a total loss. Technically, property damage claims are handled separately from injury claims.

We’re Here to Answer Your Questions – Call Now

While you are dealing with the aftermath of a serious car accident, it’s important to remember that you have rights and options. As an injured driver, you deserve compensation for your losses and justice for the harm done to you. The steps to pursue both are often complex, but you don’t have to navigate them alone. Our Missouri car accident attorneys from the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. are here to guide you, so your claim reflects the full extent of your damages. Let us know what happened to you today, and we can let you know how we can fight in court on your behalf.

Take the first step. Contact us online or dial 816-708-0524 now.

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