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Nursing Home Sepsis Lawyers in Kansas City

Did Your Loved One Develop Sepsis in a Nursing Home as a Result of Negligent Care?

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC, we understand the pain and frustration that comes with discovering that your elderly family member has developed sepsis or septic shock due to neglect or mistreatment in a nursing home. Our nursing home abuse lawyers are dedicated to holding negligent facilities accountable and seeking justice for those affected by sepsis.

Give us a call today at 816-708-0524 or send us a message online to discuss your case with our Kansas City nursing home sepsis attorneys in a free, no-obligation consultation.

Unrecognizable African American senior man in a wheelchair having a support of his home caregiver

Signs of Sepsis in Nursing Home Residents

Recognizing the signs of sepsis or septic shock in nursing home residents is crucial for timely intervention and appropriate medical care. Residents in long-term care facilities may be particularly vulnerable to infections, and sepsis can escalate rapidly. Here are common signs and symptoms of sepsis to be aware of:

  • Chills
  • Fever or hypothermia
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Rapid breathing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Low blood pressure
  • Confusion or delirium
  • Skin rash of mottled skin
  • Warm or clammy skin

It’s essential for nursing home staff to be vigilant and responsive to any unusual changes in a resident’s health. Prompt medical attention is crucial if sepsis is suspected, as timely intervention can significantly improve outcomes.

How Negligence Can Cause Sepsis in Nursing Homes

Sepsis is a severe and potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the body’s response to an infection results in systemic inflammation. In nursing homes, various factors can contribute to the development of sepsis, often stemming from neglect or inadequate care. If the negligence of a nursing home facility has caused sepsis, septic shock, or other health complications for your elderly loved one, seeking legal advice from a nursing home sepsis attorney in Kansas City may be necessary to hold the responsible parties accountable. Our legal team at the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. can investigate the circumstances surrounding your loved one’s sepsis, aiming to expose the negligent actions that led to their suffering. Common causes of sepsis in nursing homes include:

Inadequate Hygiene Practices

Failure to maintain proper hygiene for residents can lead to infections that, if left untreated, may progress to sepsis. Neglecting basic tasks such as bathing, changing soiled clothing, or providing regular wound care can contribute to the development of infections.

Pressure Ulcers/Bedsores

Residents who are immobile or bedridden are at an increased risk of developing pressure ulcers. When these ulcers are not promptly and properly treated, they can become infected, potentially leading to sepsis.

Delayed Medical Attention

Failure to promptly address signs of infection or seek medical attention for residents with existing health conditions can contribute to the progression of infections to a septic state.

Inadequate Staffing Levels

Nursing homes with insufficient staff may struggle to provide the necessary level of care and attention to residents. Overworked staff may miss early signs of infections or fail to follow proper protocols for preventing and treating infections.

Poor Infection Control Measures

Nursing homes must implement and enforce effective infection control measures to prevent the spread of infections among residents. Failure to do so can result in outbreaks and an increased risk of sepsis.

Medication Errors

Incorrect administration or dosage of medications, including antibiotics, can compromise a resident's ability to fight infections. This can lead to the development of drug-resistant infections, increasing the likelihood of sepsis.

Lack of Monitoring and Supervision

Residents with specific health conditions or compromised immune systems require close monitoring and supervision. Failure to monitor for changes in health status, signs of infection, or complications can contribute to the development of sepsis.

Insufficient Training and Education

Staff members must be adequately trained to recognize and respond to signs of infection. Inadequate training can result in delayed or improper care, allowing infections to progress to sepsis.

Senior Asian Woman and Granddaughter Enjoying View from Balcony

Can I Sue a Nursing Home for Sepsis?

Yes, you can sue a nursing home for sepsis if the infection and resulting sepsis were caused by the negligence or misconduct of the nursing home staff or the facility itself. Nursing homes have a legal duty to provide a standard of care that ensures the safety and well-being of their residents. If they fail in this duty, and such failure leads to harm, including sepsis, you may have grounds for a lawsuit. If you believe that a nursing home’s negligence or misconduct resulted in your loved one developing sepsis, it’s important to gather evidence, document the circumstances, and consult with a Kansas City sepsis lawyer at our firm. We can help you understand your legal options, investigate the case, and pursue a lawsuit on behalf of your loved one seeking compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, wrongful death (if applicable), loss of consortium, punitive damages and more.

Choose the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr.

If your loved one developed sepsis as a result of nursing home negligence, you don’t have to face it alone. Contact the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., LLC today for a free and confidential consultation. Together, we can fight for justice and ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their actions. Your loved one deserves better, and we are here to make it right. Give us a call today at 816-708-0524 to discuss your options in a free consultation.


Our attorneys specialize in nursing home abuse cases, bringing extensive knowledge and experience to your unique situation.


We understand the emotional toll these cases take on families. Our team is not only skilled in the legal aspects of pursuing a nursing home abuse lawsuit, but also empathetic and supportive throughout the process.


Holding nursing homes accountable requires determination and skill. We tirelessly pursue justice for victims of sepsis due to negligence.

Request a Free Consultation