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Business & Commercial Litigation Attorneys in Kansas City

Where Knowledge Meets Experience

We realize that businesses need an experienced and trusted advisor when navigating the emotional hazards of litigation. It is important for any business to pick the correct legal battles and to understand the timeliness of compromise. We appreciate these tenants. As a result, we work to reach a cost-efficient, practical solution for our clients with sound, timely, advice and flexible fee structures.

Our Kansas City business and commercial litigation attorney has successfully represented clients at trial and across the country in matters ranging from business separation disputes, the enforceability of equity transfer agreements, the applicability of franchisee agreements, the enforcement of certain intellectual property, and the litigation of product subrogation rights. The Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. can provide legal representation for Contract Disputes, Tortious Interference Claims, Covenants Not to Compete, General Business Disputes, Employment Litigation, Subrogation Rights, Purchase and Sale Disputes, Intellectual Property Disagreements, and Business Separation Disputes.

man writing down notes

Examples of Alternative Fee Structures

  • Hourly Fee: You will be billed in tenths of an hour for time spent on your case.
  • Contingency Fee: If money is recovered on your behalf, we receive a predetermined percentage of the recovery.
  • Reverse Contingency Fee: A fee that is a percentage of the difference between the amount originally demanded by the adverse party and the amount that you ultimately paid, whether by settlement or judgment.
  • Mixed Hourly and Contingency Fee: We will bill you at a reduced hourly rate and if a recovery is obtained on your behalf, we will receive a predetermined percentage that is a reduced rate from the typical contingency fee.
  • Fixed Fee: We agree at the start of the representation on a fixed, lump sum fee.
Tom Meeting with Client

Local Legal Support for Kansas City Businesses

At the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr., we understand the unique challenges that Kansas City businesses face. Whether you’re dealing with contract disputes or employment litigation, our team is well-versed in the local legal landscape. We are familiar with the regulations and requirements set forth by the City of Kansas City, Missouri, and the Jackson County Government, ensuring that your business remains compliant while navigating complex legal issues.

Kansas City is a vibrant hub for commerce, but with growth comes the potential for legal conflicts. Local businesses often encounter issues such as tortious interference claims and covenants not to compete, which can be particularly challenging without knowledgeable legal guidance. Our attorneys are committed to providing practical solutions tailored to the specific needs of Kansas City enterprises.

We Are Here to Help

We know that the local business community values cost-efficiency and timely resolutions. That’s why we offer flexible fee structures, including hourly, contingency, and fixed fees, to accommodate the diverse financial needs of our clients. We aim to help you resolve disputes effectively so you can focus on what you do best—running your business.

To learn how the Law Office of Tom Wagstaff Jr. can help your business, contact us at 816-708-0524. We are here to help whenever you need us.

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